Astro Blog
by Adrian Duncan | Jul 7, 2011 | Adrian’s Articles 2002
In these tense days of June 2002, the main focus of world attention is on the border of India and Pakistan. Much to the dismay of India, who claim to have the situation under control, American and EU countries have all advised their citizens to leave both countries now, in the event of a war that could escalate to a nuclear confrontation. …Read More
by Adrian Duncan | Jul 6, 2011 | Adrian's Articles 2011
The Situation in February 2000A couple of months ago I wrote an article about the US election with the data available at the time for the candidates in the running: Bill Bradley, George W Bush and Al Gore. Since then data for John McCain has become available, and a quick study of his chart shows a strong chance of his winning the presidency. To everyone’s surprise he won the New Hampshire primaries, knocking Bush – the other main Republican candidate – into second place. Bush later won in South Carolina, but McCain pulled out another surprise in Michigan on February 22, and in his home state Arizona. At the time of writing Bush is a worried man, even though he has the party machine behind him, as well as considerable funds. In theory McCain is still the outsider, and the next few months will decide which of the two republican candidates is selected in the August party convention. …Read More |
by Adrian Duncan | Jul 4, 2011 | Adrian's Articles 2011
Every astrologer knew it was going to happen. But it still caught them by surprise. You check out the last time it happened (31st March 1927 and 13th January 1928) and study the historical events. But 84 years have gone by and civilization has changed immeasurably, making it difficult to predict what will happen in the 21st century, when Uranus once again enters Aries. Nobody wants to be a prophet of doom, so many predictions have been reasonably upbeat. But we know that once Uranus enters Aries it is just a matter of time before it goes on to square Pluto… and that’s a kind of meltdown, isn’t it?
Actually when Uranus entered Aries 84 years ago there was an 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Tango, Japan (Note 1), but then Japan did not have any nuclear reactors. Weeks afterwards there was an 8.3 magnitude quake in China which killed 200,000 people. It is curious to see that the 8.9 magnitude earthquake, the largest recorded in Japan’s history actually struck when Uranus was at 29.57 Pisces and it was the ravages of the ocean (Pisces) that went on the create the energy (Aries) crisis. The best symbol for this transition point from Pisces to Aries was perhaps the image of a large ship carried into the middle of a Japanese city.
So welcome to Uranus, which is commencing a new 84 year cycle through the solar system. In 1927 to 1928 there was a myriad of inventions like color television, the first TV broadcasts, the flight of Lindbergh from New York to Paris and tremendous advances in commercial passenger flight. 84 years on science has advanced exponentially. In March last year, two months before Uranus made its first (short) entry into Aries, Richard Branson of the Virgin empire successfully launched the first test flight of a commercial spacecraft, and such pioneering innovation is typical of Uranus in Aries. You can already book your flight. (Note 2)
Uppermost in people’s mind at the time of writing – one week after the Japanese earthquake – is the fate of the nuclear reactors in Japan.

EARTHQUAKE: March 11th, 2011 14:46:23 at 38N22 and 142E32 (AS 17.57)
You might expect to see powerful planets on the MC/IC or AS/DS at the time of the earthquake and subsequent devastating tsunami, but there is nothing except MC square Venus. But Pluto is at the exact midpoint of Saturn/Uranus, and Saturn is exactly sesquiquadrate the Moon/Neptune square. And of course Uranus in square the Moon’s nodes… never a good sign when it comes to disturbances on Earth. For those interested in harmonics, the Sun, Moon and Pluto configure as an exact conjunction in the 5th harmonic, in other words they are in exact quintile. The Ascendant in the earthquake chart is in fact on Japan’s Saturn (Note 3) and Neptune at 29.12 Aquarius is exactly square Japan’s own Neptune… and in the next couple of months Neptune changes sign and will transit Japan’s Mercury at 0.36 Pisces. Obviously the repercussions of the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear failure on Japan’s communication and infrastructure will be apparent for months to come.
Whilst Japan builds all major constructions to cope with earthquakes and has training programs for the population in the event of tsunamis, the combination of earthquake and tsunami was enough to create a nuclear disaster for Japan. Reactors automatically shut down with the occurrence of the earthquake, but the tsunami knocked out diesel back-up generators that supply cooling water. It seems even when you stop a nuclear reaction, the fuel still gives off vast amounts of energy, and if the coolant is not constantly circulated, the water turns to steam and lots of explosive hydrogen is produced, which is why the buildings that house the reactors exploded, making it more and more difficult to cool nuclear fuel which is still producing immense heat.
This is the process that leads to meltdown, and as mentioned before, Uranus in fire sign Aries, moving to square Pluto, is the astrological signature of nuclear meltdown. As this aspect gets stronger and stronger over the next four years, this does not bode well for the nuclear industry, which was just entering a new phase of popularity with the growing shortage of oil. Germany, Sweden and Britain are going to have great difficulty continuing their growing investment in the nuclear industry, for which the Fukushima reactor explosions have been a total disaster, even though modern reactors (the Fukushima plant is from the seventies) have in fact many more safeguards in place. (Note 4)
Certainly for Japan, it is unlikely that public confidence in nuclear power will recover in the near future. One of the main consequences for Japan of the entry of Uranus into Aries, will be major efforts to find alternative power sources, which in the long term may be a good thing. Right now, as Neptune changes sign on April 4th to conjoin Japan’s Ascendant-ruler Mercury, which, being in the 10th house is related to government policy, there will be disarray for months to come. Neptune goes on to square Japan’s Pluto, which may bring some kind of dissolution of the Japan’s nuclear industry.
Adrian Duncan 20th March, 2011.
1. Chronology of World History – Ken Polsson
2. Check out
3. The Meiji chart from 1889: Feb 11th 12.05 LMT Tokyo (AS 9.50 GE)
4. Modern systems can shut down and cool fuel without power being available, and have double and even triple backup systems. 20.03.2011
by Adrian Duncan | Apr 7, 2011 | Adrian’s Articles 2005
If astrological tradition is anything to go by, then Saturn has been going through a particularly difficult period in these years. Give it the limitations of Capricorn with plenty of hard work, self-discipline and obstacles to overcome, and Saturn is quite happy. Perhaps not actually happy, but at least not disgruntled. Put it in soft and vulnerable Cancer, and it behaves quite inappropriately. What can it do with all that need for security and belonging? Saturn is a bit stiff when it has to deal with all the mushy emotional stuff, but if you want a nice hedge, fence or wall, then Saturn will be pleased to oblige.Perhaps that is why Israel has been so busy constructing their “fence” since their progressed new moon, which took place at 14 Cancer in September 2001 at the time of the terror attack on New York . Winding its way a little too far into Palestinian territory on the West Bank , this massive construction is a testimony to just how clumsy Saturn can be when in exile in Cancer. America , reeling from the grave wound inflicted on its financial heart, was hardly in a position to object, and feeble protests from EU countries were brushed off as anti-Semitism. Europe does not have a strong record for protecting Jews.
Walls do not last forever, but a good wall should last 29 years – if the Berlin Wall is anything to go by – so Palestinians can expect their trumpets to reduce the Israeli wall to dust around 2030. (Note 1)
The equivalent wall in America is the Homeland Security Act, which has effectively prevented many of the best young foreign brains from entering the United States and created the impression amongst those who have managed to enter the country – and added photos of their irises to the vast homeland security database – of a brave new world indeed. America is a Cancerian country, so security has been something of an issue post 9/11 and during the Saturn in Cancer period. It is not surprising then, that the electorate re-elected their Cancer president, George W Bush in 2004. He was the candidate smart enough to campaign on a platform of security.
On July 16th 2005 , Saturn moves on into Leo and the issue of security will fade from public awareness, to be replaced by concerns about leadership and problems regarding mass entertainment, child-rearing and celebrity affairs. Saturn was last in Leo from 1976 to 1978 when it made some very uncomfortable squares to a deadly Uranus in Scorpio. This was a “death of the future” period with black clad children and punks – who with their Mohican haircuts, and (just to make the message completely clear), metal chains and sharp objects piercing the skin – viciously parodied hippy dreamers. Johnny Rotten himself, of the very Uranus in Scorpio “Sex Pistols”, did manage to immortalize the heartfelt patriotism of the young with his unforgettable “God Save The Queen”. I guess that’s exactly how enthusiastic Saturn in Leo gets about royalty… no wonder it is in exile there.
Clearly the older generation from this period will have felt that a bit of discipline would have been quite a good thing for the young punks, and perhaps some of them will have thought wistfully about that golden age from 1946-1948 when Saturn combined with Pluto in Leo. That was a time when toilet training was all the rage, and young bottoms were placed on potties with the military discipline that was to be expected after 5 years of war.
If there is a sense that Saturn in Leo evokes resistance in children and the urge to tighten up in parents, then we can expect the Saturn ingress in 2005 to bring heavier demands on children as regards education and general behaviour. The perception that children are spoiled and being corrupted will lead to authoritarian attempts at repression. These attempts are doomed to fail – there is no Pluto conjunction to crush resistance now, just an opposition to Neptune to undermine Saturn.
It is the Neptune opposition that will dominate Saturn in Leo as regards children, gambling, life quality, celebrity scandals and anything else concerned with Leo. The Saturn/Neptune synod takes place every 35 years, and the last opposition was in 1972, when limits on oil led to a disastrous economic crash in the West. As Saturn enters Leo here in 2005 and a powerful grand cross is formed, preliminary conditions for later economic downturn are liable to be established. Looking at the graph for this period it can be seen that direct and retrograde Mars knits together Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune over a six month period activating the energy of the four fixed signs and producing a stagnant climate where energy gets inextricably mired.
An erstwhile celebrity in Britain is Tony Blair, who was born under the exact conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in 1953.
See chart : Tony Blair 6.05.1953 6.10 BST Edinburgh (AS 4.50 GE)
Saturn and Neptune are of course very strongly linked to social idealism, and there can be little doubt that Blair – with Ascendant ruler Mercury in Aries opposing the conjunction – passionately believes in applying socialist dreams to create a socialist utopia. With five powerful planets in the 12th house, he probably feels a religious conviction that he is a channel for change. Given that his Taurus sun is square Pluto, any convictions will tend to have a fanatical edge, and with Jupiter also in Taurus, his beliefs tend to be unshakeable. You never get Blair admitting he is wrong.
The Neptune transit to Blair’s Moon in Aquarius was the beginning of the dissolution of his celebrity status. With the vast majority of the British people vociferously against any involvement in Iraq , he supported Bush and declared war. Here the weakness of his Mercury opposition Saturn/Neptune came into the open, for this is an aspect noted for smokescreens and lies. People in Britain felt they had been lied to – and they were – and Tony Blair was revealed to be an ordinary politician very out of touch with his electorate. With transit Neptune moving on to square Blair’s Sun, he managed to win his third term as Prime Minister, but with a greatly reduced majority.
See chart : United Kingdom 1 Jan 1801 0.00 LMT London (AS 7.10 LI)
With the coming grand cross in fixed signs, Britain and Blair are likely to bear the brunt of the economic difficulties on their way. Saturn in Leo will station in opposition to Blair’s Moon at 11.30 Aquarius in November 2005, and his unpopularity is liable to peak at this time. Bearing in mind that 1801 Britain has Mars at 11.46 Taurus in the 8th – in exact square to Blair’s Moon – an implacable resistance is likely. Noting that transit Mars returns to this position in August and November 2005, and January 2006, there will be enormous focus on the deception that occurred when Neptune squared Mars and Britain went to war, and on any economic corruption or scandal that may have resulted. The retrograde Mars suggests withdrawal of troops.
Quite apart from that, the coming grand cross will trigger 1801 Britain’s grand cross involving Saturn at 23 Leo, Neptune at 18 Scorpio, Venus at 16 Aquarius and Mars. This rare constellation will have a profound effect on British political life. The pressure on Blair from 2005 to 2006 will be huge, and his survival is probably at stake. The subsequent pressure on Britain in 2006 and 2007 from the continued Neptune/Saturn opposition, which peaks in June 2007, will create a continued economic downturn and acute discomfort for New Labour.
One of the basic points of the grand cross is Jupiter. When transiting Scorpio it brings knowledge of secrets, and in political terms economic power play and corruption. Jupiter squares Saturn in December, dwells in square to Neptune in the winter of 2006, then squares Saturn twice more in June and October 2006 just as Saturn moves up to oppose Neptune. This is an extremely powerful aspect pattern, and the summer of 2006 is obviously the most dangerous period for Blair. This will also herald economic power battles in the world’s largest economies. Economic cartels will be revealed to have corrupt methods, and Saturn in Leo will reflect political attempts to limit the economic corruption of previously respected leaders.
It is very likely that falling oil production – reflecting the Saturn/Neptune opposition – will trigger an economic crisis in this period. It seems that the activation of the UK chart means that Britain has a central role, and is also profoundly affected by the economic pressures. There are no indications that Britain will give way under pressure – so in relation to the European Union, the lack of flexibility that manifests at this time will severely undermine EU structure. As far as the EU is concerned generally, there will be huge disillusion about further expansion – but when Jupiter later moves into Sagittarius, moves to include Turkey will probably go ahead.
Apart from Britain , another country with significant planets in fixed signs – and a country very sensitive to the Saturn/Neptune cycle – is Russia . The 1917 Revolution chart (Note 2) has a Sun/Mercury in Scorpio in T square to Saturn in Leo opposing Uranus in Aquarius, so the Saturn return here is likely to pile the pressure on Putin too. The 1991 “Flag Up” horoscope has a Venus/Pluto conjunction in Scorpio, so this too is affected by the Saturn/Neptune opposition. Putin has seemed to live a charmed life until now, but he will be in trouble from 2005 to 2007, with special focus on economic scandals. His persecution of oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky of the Yukos oil company may come back to haunt him, or he may go on to dismantle the empires of other oligarchs. Still, unrest in Russia is likely to undermine his position.
It is likely that any revered leader or high-profile individual will be vulnerable during the Saturn transit of Leo. Public scepticism will put people off hero-worship, and questions will be asked about what well-known people are doing in their private lives, and how they are using the vast sums of money at their disposal. Pop stars, football players and other stars would be advised to keep a low profile. The likelihood of celebrity sexual scandals is high, as Jupiter in Scorpio focuses on secrets, sexuality and corruption. Public disillusion will reach new heights.
As Jupiter makes the contact with Neptune , bubbles will be inflated and rise to huge heights. The last Jupiter/Pluto square took place as Dot Com company went public, and the crash that followed – devastating thousands of technology companies – happened as Jupiter went on to conjoin Saturn in Taurus. The latest bubble has been the property boom, which is the result of many factors – not least globalisation and the easy transfer of money across borders. Those who have cashed in their equity and partied over the last few years will be experiencing sizeable hangovers. The lesson of Saturn in Leo is clear – the party is over.
Adrian Ross Duncan 15.06.2005
Adrian Ross Duncan was editor of the Astrological Journal from 1998 to 2001, and author of Doing Time on Planet Earth and the recent Astrology: Transformation ad Empowerment. His articles, software and other astrological offerings can be seen at
1. Construction was started the Berlin Wall on August 13th 1961 , and demolition started on November 10th 1989 .
2. Russian Revolution. 8 Nov 1917 2.12 St. Petersburg (AS 14.20 VI).
3. Russia – Flag up. 25.12.1991 20.45 Moscow (AS 25.16 LE)
Data from Book of World Horoscopes. |
by Adrian Duncan | Apr 7, 2011 | Adrian’s Articles 2005
A conservative calculation concluded that sixty thousand people were killed in the capital city alone. Not one church or government building was left standing after the earthquake and the subsequent tsunamis and fires. How many others perished on the coastline of Spain and Morocco could never be exactly computed. Waves over ten meters in height swept over the harbor, sinking all the ships and those that had taken refuge in them. The whole harbor disappeared, complete with ships, and no trace of them was subsequently found. In the space of half an hour the city of Lisbon disappeared off the map in what was the greatest natural catastrophe of its time.There have been many earthquakes since, with great loss of life, but the Lisbon disaster stretches across the centuries to form a link with the Sumatran tsunami as regards magnitude and loss of life. The ocean was the killer in both cases. Not surprisingly then, there are remarkable links between the two charts for the events. …Read More |
by Adrian Duncan | Mar 29, 2011 | Adrian's Articles 2011
The entry of Uranus into Aries may have manifested itself most dramatically with the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, but there have been a rapid unfoldment of events elsewhere… specifically in the Arab world.
Just when it seemed that there was no alternative to repressive or unstable Western-back Arab governments on the one hand, and Muslim fundamentalism and Al Qaeda on the other, a completely unpredictable groundswell of popular discontent has shaken governments In Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain.
Astrologically, two factors are at play. Firstly Uranus moving into Aries brings popular unrest which is met by the repressive tendencies of Pluto in Capricorn. Secondly Neptune’s imminent entry into Pisces brings a transition from the awareness afforded by technology afforded by mobile phones and social media (Aquarius) to a profound sense of suffering and lack of privilege (Pisces). This combination gives a violent need to right wrongs.
At the time of writing, one week after Uranus’s arrival in Aries, the western governments (primarily France, the United Kingdom and USA) have responded to calls from the UN – backed by the Arab League – to establish a no-fly zone over Libya to prevent President Gadhafi’s forces from crushing revolutionaries who want to overthrow him. It’s the usual story of course – the West only wants to selectively remove dictators (they are not bombing Saudi Arabia, are they?), but then again, who wants Gaddafi, who has historically supported terrorism, to continue is reign of power and massacre tens of thousands of people?
Uranus in Aries is only too happy to show off its explosive power, so the Tomahawk missiles are flying and Stealth bombers are doing their bit too. It would be naïve to think that this initial UN-supported action will immediately be the end of the matter. On Monday 21st March 2011, the sun will enter Aries to conjoin Uranus then square Pluto, and even more dire, on April 2nd Mars will enter Aries again activating the Uranus/Pluto combination. That is an astrological signature for violent destruction, and it is unlikely that Gaddafi will pack his bags and go as President Mubarak of Egypt did.
Mubarak lasted exactly 30 years as Egypt’s dictator, respecting the cycle of time of Saturn’s orbit around the sun. But Gaddafi has been in power since a bloodless revolution on September 1st, 1969 – 42 years in all – and his Moon in Aries trine Pluto in Leo has shown him to be an accomplished survivor. It is difficult to see clear signs that he is about to disappear from the scene without an exact birth time, but it seems obvious that Uranus is soon to transit his Moon in Aries, or that Pluto is about to square it, which will certainly constitute a threat to his survival. And of course, 42 years is exactly half of Uranus’ orbital period. He came with a revolution and will go with a revolution.
Libya itself, founded on 24th December 1951, is experiencing its exact second Saturn return and 5th Jupiter return, which is quite a strong indication of political change. Founded with Saturn in Libra and Jupiter in Aries, it is now being restructured under yet another Saturn in Libra and Jupiter in Aries.

LIBYA: 24.12.1951 Noon Tripoli.
Libya has Jupiter at 5 Aries – which is the approximate location of Gaddafi’s Moon (Note 1), so the Uranus/Pluto square is activating Libya’s Sun/Jupiter square, and this is a far clearer indication of the demise of Gaddafi, because Sun/Jupiter is a perfect description of the country’s leadership style… and it is about to be changed forever. It is interesting to see in Libya’s progressed horoscope that Mercury is now conjoining the sun, and both are arriving at the North Node in Pisces, which does suggest the dissolution and eclipse of leadership and considerable chaos following.
Writing about the Arab world reminds me of an article I wrote in 2005, predicting a restructuring of the Middle East. I am quoting it below… but what a pity I got the year wrong!
Article by me in 2005 on
“It seems that Egypt too is facing upheaval. It looks like Mubarak’s attempt to quieten revolutionary voices by allowing an active opposition may result in his actually being removed by 2007. So, over the next two to three years we will witness a profound restructuring of the Middle East. Fears that militant Islam will gain the upper hand will probably be unfounded though. In Iran nobody wants a continuation of 26 years of theocratic government, and neither is it likely that religious fundamentalism will gain strength as Pluto enters the last degrees of Sagittarius. The people want a taste of the freedom they have seen on satellite TV, so ultimately they are likely to reject religious oppression and embrace democracy – Arab style.”
1. Gaddafi is born on June, 7th 1942.
Adrian Duncan.
by Adrian Duncan | Mar 21, 2011 | Adrian's Articles 2011
On March 12th 2011 Uranus moves into Aries, where it will be until March 2019. The world is in for a time of fireworks and radically new developments on all fronts, especially highlighting extreme leaders and revolutionary groups impatient for change. Uranus has an 84-year cycle around the sun, and the last time it entered Aries was in 1927, which coincided with the release of Hitler from jail (Pisces) and his subsequent rise to Fearer for the Arian race. The same will not happen in the 21st century, as globalization and the internet bring liberation to each individual. How this freedom is administrated may however be a problem.
Uranus did actually enter Aries in the summer of 2010, coming half a degree into the sign before going back to Pisces… a period which coincided with the raucous world cup celebrations in South Africa and explosion of noise and color which we were treated to. But here in March and April 2011, Uranus will be joined by the sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus – together with Jupiter – in a fiery celebration of pioneering plans and individualism.
Looking back at the time when Uranus was in Pisces, a number of important events took place which perfectly reflected its influence. Terrorists, real and supposed, where imprisoned on the American enclave of Guantanamo, based on Cuba, where they were held without trial. As Uranus enters Aries, these prisoners have mostly been dispersed. Imprisonment and terror are of course major themes of Uranus in Pisces. There was also the sudden destruction from the sea that took place with the tsunami on Christmas 2004. Technologically we have seen the rise of the hybrid electric car, the democratization of television with YouTube, the ascendancy of animation in movie-making and the complete interconnection of world peoples through cellphones and the internet.
When Uranus goes through Aries, we can expect something new and surprising. How will the world look at the end of this period? Cars could be an example. How many people would buy anything other than a flat screen TV today? It is impossible. Everyone can see that the huge TVs of the past are technological dinosaurs. Who will be buying petrol driven cars in 2020, I wonder? One of the pleasures of a laptop computer is its mobility and lack of cables. Who will not be sorry to see the disappearance of cables, transformers and adaptors which a revolution in power creation and storage would bring? With the sun being exalted in Aries, solar power will become a ubiquitous source of electricity.
Uranus in Aries will awaken a taste for freedom in every individual, and any restriction of the natural right for self-expression is likely to have explosive results. Perhaps that is why we are seeing revolution in Egypt at this moment, which is having a contagious effect on many other Middle Eastern countries whose rights have historically been subjugated both politically and through their religion.
The unfortunate thing about Uranus in Aries in the coming decade is that it is in square to Pluto during much of this period, echoing a similar Uranus/Pluto square in the 1930’s. This combination leads to extremism, and forces beyond the control of human agencies tend to release cataclysmic change. Currently Pluto in Capricorn has evoked emergency powers in governments to save the banks and the capitalist system, which is the foundation of western civilization. The trouble is that in the West riches have been concentrated in the hands of just a small percentage of the population, and whilst they have benefited from government intervention, everyone else has not. The richest 1% of the US population has more combined wealth than the bottom 90%, and this is a trend that has been increasing for over 20 years.
My prediction is in fact that this inequality will not be the case in 2024, when Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. Forces in society will have had a leveling effect which will have eradicated the plutocracy that controls wealth and power today. In fact, in 2020 there will be a Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius – the first for about 800 years – which inaugurates a 200-year period where equality will be the dominating political force.
The period from 2011-2016 will highlight social tensions that are a direct result of the imbalance in the distribution of resources. Uranus in Aries shows anarchic groups, whilst Pluto in Capricorn shows autocratic government using the power of surveillance and digital control to maintain the status quo. If that seems like an unequal struggle, think again. The case of Julian Assange of Wikileaks revealed the power of small groups of computer-savvy individuals who were able to bring giants like MasterCard/Visa, PayPal and other agencies like Amazon to their knees in cyber-attacks, which were intended to avenge their closure of services to Wikileaks.
Clearly Uranus/Pluto will see the ascendancy of cyber terrorism on a scale far greater than we have experienced up to now. If you like to surf on Google, use net banking, Skype to loved ones – if you like to do anything in this modern world we live – you are vulnerable. Trains, buses, planes, satellites –everything – are interlinked by an extremely complex, and extremely vulnerable network. Aggrieved individuals who have grown up in a digital reality will be able to navigate this world and create damage if their needs are not addressed. Their reward will be a sense of power in a world where they have felt powerless. They will do it just for the hell of it.
Cyber threats are more likely to come from loosely affiliated groups than from governments, who could also of course create havoc through cyber terrorism but do not, because they do not want to expose themselves to reciprocation. World war as was experienced in the last century is unlikely to an attractive option for any government today, and most governments would unite to counter cyber threats, just like they have united against religious terrorism in the past. But disruption is sure to come, because people will be suffering from the consequences of economic collapse. These trends will most likely be apparent from 2012 – 2015, which is when the Uranus/Pluto square triggers important planetary positions, especially the sun, in the horoscopes of the EU, USA, United Kingdom and China.
Uranus will of course do more than just clash with Pluto, and its transit through Aries will bring wonderful new opportunities for those willing to take a risk. Fortune favors the brave, and Uranus in Aries is a gift for those with a pioneering spirit. Nothing is impossible with the energy and will. The magnificent long term trine to Uranus from Jupiter in Leo will bring fantastic rewards in 2014, even when the Uranus/Pluto square is at its peak. Anyone with important planets form 15-20 degrees in Fire signs is going to have an extremely successful period. Likewise, when Saturn makes a long term trine from Sagittarius to Uranus from late 2016 to 2018, this will be a wonderful period for building on a new and optimistic framework, especially for those with planets in the last decanted of Fire signs. This will be the period when technological change takes root and really benefits people, and when a new enlightened system is established on the ruins of the destruction of antiquated forms of government.
For the individual sun signs the following advice may be helpful as regards to coming to terms with revolutionary change in specific life areas:
Aries: Resist autocrats in your professional life and venture forth on your own creative path. You have a message of hope to spread, and you can be an example to others as a pioneer.
Taurus: Resist the temptation to be influenced by extreme ideologies that capitalize on your fear of instability and material loss. The greatest rewards are in your spiritual life.
Gemini: Join exciting groups that bring unity and enlightenment, but expose those people who awaken anxiety for the sake of personal power. Be a part of a visionary community that expresses hope.
Cancer: Pioneering career initiatives bring an economic revolution. Adapt constantly to change and focus always on the future. Don’t let others sabotage your vision through their anxiety.
Leo: Broadcast the revolution and reach out beyond borders to ally yourself with groups who share your vision of the future. You are a winner. Avoid getting ground down by power-hungry bureaucrats.
Virgo: This is an epoch of inner change. Confront anxieties about self-expression and give up control – what have you got to lose? Spiritual and psychological change brings a new foundation.
Libra: Let go of anxiety connected with relationships and give partners space… they will take it anyway. Liberate yourself from domestic tyranny and get involved with groups who open your consciousness.
Scorpio: Adjust to a constantly changing work environment and try to get involved with international colleagues. Let go of all previous ideas and allow a transformation of your ideas to take place.
Sagittarius: Embark on a creative odyssey and shock and surprise others with what you are capable of. You become a world citizen and create the philosophical framework for a new future.
Capricorn: Resist autocratic tendencies and allow a spirit of freedom and experimentation to permeate your home and family life. Let birds fly from the nest. Spiritual and Psychological development.
Aquarius: There is so much new to learn! There is freedom all around you, also in love relationships. Resist the tendency to obsess about forces beyond your control. You provide the ideas for new groups.
Pisces: Dare to take a risk and discover how you can revolutionize your earning power through capitalizing on your unique talents. Keep fanatical groups at a safe distance and ally yourself with professional geniuses.
The above influences are meant as a source of inspiration, and can of course be applied to the personal horoscope too, according to which house Uranus falls into. Actually sun sign astrology can be rather powerful, so even these general influences are likely to be of some relevance.
For those people who want to invest in what Uranus in Aries may bring, it is a good idea first of all to withdraw investment from areas associated with Uranus in Pisces, for example media groups like Disney and DreamWorks, or industries like oil, medicine and ocean technologies. Solar power is an obvious choice, and probably gold will continue to be a very safe option for years to come. Regrettably the military looks like a good bet because world tensions are liable to increase, not least between China and India, which are becoming the new world superpowers to rival the US. Pioneering ventures may also thrive, and in this context some of the private initiatives for space travel are liable to have success. I think the general rule is only to invest if you like risks!
Investment and developments are also liable to be strongly affected by the transit of Neptune through Pisces. This is likely to bring profound changes in social media like Facebook (goodbye all those virtual friends), and there will be a new emphasis on solidarity with the underprivileged and charity initiatives. The wise industry in this period will embrace a compassionate policy and address the needs of the environment and the people negatively affected by their enterprises.
It will be a privilege to live through the dynamic period that is now starting. The entrance of Uranus into Aries inaugurates a new 84-year cycle of world development, and changes will happen breathtakingly fast. The new generations brought up in the virtual as well as the real world will have some real surprises in store for us!
Adrian Duncan
by Adrian Duncan | Mar 14, 2011 | Adrian's Articles 2011
At midnight tonight GMT Uranus moves into Aries for the first time in 84 years. Last time this happened was in 1927, which was a time of immense technological development especially in flight (but was also the beginning of the ascendancy of Hitler and Stalin). Astrologers say that Uranus in Aries brings a seven-year period when charismatic individuals become the focus of attention and that from 2011 to 2018 the world will see radical groups going head to head with restrictive governments, rather like we have been seeing with Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Reprisals against Wikileaks by on-line banks and service providers led to a wave of cyber-attacks from Wikileaks supporters. But the major event connected with the entry of Uranus into Aries has been the surprise announcement by the Dalai Lama that he is quitting politics. In his words: “Tibetans need a leader elected freely by the Tibetan people, to whom I can devolve power”. Perhaps democratic leadership as opposed to autocracy will be a major theme over the next seven years.
And another has been the 8.9 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Japan which has prompted tsunami warnings as far as Hawaii. Astrologers point out that when Pluto entered the sign of Sagittarius on January 17th 1995, the disastrous Kobe earthquake occurred and major planetary movements often coincide with significant geological phenomena. Astrologically, earthquakes are often said to reflect political upheaval in the country where they occur. For example the Haicheng earthquake in 1975 occurred in China simultaneously with Mao Tse Tung’s death. We will see what other events the momentous sign change of Uranus will evoke in the weeks to come.

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by Adrian Duncan | Aug 7, 2010 | Adrian's Articles 2010
If you happen to be on the moon some time, cast a glimpse down to Dubai on the Arabian Peninsular. Here a glittering palm tree shaped island will be visible shining into space – a man-made construction which contains more than 30 five-star hotels as well as residences for the glitterati like Brad Pitt, David Beckham, and other people who choose to be more anonymous. That is just in 2010 – two more paradise islands are planned, as well as a 300 island archipelago representing all the countries of the world. And another one featuring the universe.
Where is the world’s tallest building? The world’s only seven-start hotel? Which country currently has the most cranes in the world? The world’s largest indoor skiing slope? That’s right: Planet Dubai. Apparently when driving into town from the airport the visitor is greeted by billboards proclaiming “Welcome to Everything”, “Be Unlimited”, “Anything is Possible”. (Note 1)
You will not be surprised then to see that the horoscope of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which includes Abu Dhabi as well as Dubai, shows the Sun on the Midheaven conjoining and at the exact midpoint of Jupiter and Neptune in Sagittarius. What could be a better astrological signature for a country which expands out into the ocean creating fantasy islands that contain the world, the universe… well, Everything?
Dubai: 2.12.1971 12.00 25N18 55E18 (Book of World Horoscopes)
The United Arab Emirates were proclaimed at 12 noon in Dubai on December 2nd 1971 at the time of an exact full moon, with the Sun at 9.29 Sagittarius and the moon at 9.36 Gemini. What makes these degrees fascinating is that they are placed on the fixed stars Aldebaran- the Eye of the Bull – and Antares – the eye of the Scorpion. These are amongst the brightest stars in the universe, placed exactly opposite each other and they have traditionally been revered in the Arab world, far back in history when they formed the axis for the Age of Taurus. Furthermore, the epoch-making Pluto/Neptune conjunction of 1891-2 took place at 8-9 degrees Gemini, marking out a 492 year long planetary cycle, which encapsulates the iconic dreams and ideas of world history. With the full moon in Dubai’s chart activating this conjunction, it probably has a significant role to play for a half-millennium or so.
Which might explain why its ruler Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum feels the call to build a 21st century Xanadu in a desert country with average summer temperatures of 40+ C and virtually zero rainfall. Really the place should not exist. In a Muslim society with strict restraints on alcohol and sex, there is no difficulty getting a drink or buying other more forbidden services. Despite the apparent openness, there is no parliament or political parties, and no trade unions either. Which is bad news for the approximately 50% of the population who are Indians and Bangladeshis slaving away in temperatures that can reach 50C and living in labor camps conveniently placed an hour or so away out of town.
The rise of Dubai and Abu Dhabi has been meteoric. In the early fifties the population was about 20,000, whilst now it is 1.4 million. (Note 2) Even 30 years ago it was mostly desert and scrub. But with the rise of Arab fortunes after the first Oil Crisis of 1972, prosperity came quickly. Interestingly Mercury is exactly stationary in Dubai’s chart, which means that at the country’s inception it had extended itself to the furthest it can go in relation to the sun. Overextended in fact in its sign of detriment. From 1972 to 1992 it progressed retrograde, conjoining Jupiter in Sagittarius on the way – once in 1983 and then in 2007 – which pretty much indicates its expansion period. In 2011 it will once again be at the degree at which it started – 28 Sagittarius, and in 2012 it will enter Capricorn and face reality, where it will go on to meet the Venus/Pluto square. More on this later.
After the 2nd Gulf War, with oil prices hitting the roof, the region had more money than it knew what to do with. Dubai has in fact very little oil, so it wisely adopted a policy of building up its image as an international center, both politically and business wise. “Where shopping is a lifestyle” as the billboards say. With no income tax Western investors streamed to the country, and it embarked on an orgy of building.
However, if the truth be told, today the skyline is dominated by half-finished skyscrapers, and the hotels and shopping malls are in trouble. Dubai has proved to be just as vulnerable to the financial meltdown as other countries. When the global financial crisis hit Dubai, prices collapsed by 50 percent in a year leaving projects unfinished or scrapped. The horoscope for Dubai is dominated by the full moon conjoining Jupiter and on a Saturn/Neptune opposition. Whilst Saturn/Neptune does show a desert state with fortunes founded on oil (from Abu Dhabi), and does show the ability to build a new city on millions of tons of rock transported out into the sea, the Saturn/Neptune opposition also requires an element of realism. In many ways the full moon in Dubai’s chart shows an extravagant dream built on the slave labor of poor immigrants – the Moon/Saturn conjoining the IC.
Although Sheik Mohammed has been much worshipped hitherto by the business community, the Sun/Neptune/Jupiter square Mars in Pisces in Dubai’s chart shows rulers who not only are visionaries… but also dreamers. He has forged ahead with fairy tale developments, wooing investors and creating his own massive speculative bubble. Dubai’s own development vehicle, Dubai World, shook markets in December 2009 demanding a moratorium on its $60 billion debt, meaning that it can no longer keep up payments. Abu Dhabi has reluctantly indicated that it will help, but other major developments are still at risk. The creditworthiness of Dubai has been downgraded by international institutions.
Financial markets try to make reassuring noises about Dubai, pointing to the oil revenues in the region and to Dubai’s status as a business center, but all the astrological indications are that the current crisis with Dubai World is not just a blip on the radar screen. It is in fact the beginning of a long process of economic restructuring that will not end until 2014 at the earliest. The transit of Pluto over Dubai’s Venus in Capricorn is the warning shot. Clearly money is going to dry up, or at least be subject to draconian lending terms. The United Arab Emirates has a Venus/Pluto square to start with, so this is a development that has always been on the cards, it was just a matter of time. Now with transiting Saturn on Pluto on the one hand, and transiting Pluto on Venus on the other, Dubai is caught in a vice, and the screw will be tightened in 2010, bringing the highest level of discomfort from July to November 2010, the latter date being the final square from Pluto to Venus.
The movement of progressed Mercury – as it returns to its birth position – will be a reminder of the latent folly in the UAR chart, and when Mercury progresses into Capricorn as 2012 starts, Dubai will start applying its first strong dose of reality as concrete steps will be taken to place limits on the unreal expansion that has taken place. A new iron administration will take control from 2012 to 2014 which embodies an acceptance of traditional business realities. In other words the concept “Be Unlimited” will no longer apply.
Other indications that the euphoric mood of Dubai will slump can be seen in the movement of the progressed Moon which has been in Libra and the 8th house since 2007, highlighting the architectural achievements with borrowed money. In February 2010 the Moon will move into Scorpio, still in the 8th house, and Dubai will find itself mired in debt.
Furthermore, transiting Neptune is now extending its tentacles to the UAR Ascendant which it will station on in May 2010 and subsequently transit three more times, leaving Dubai metaphorically submerged by the time the last transit takes place in December 2011. Fortunately Dubai’s geographical placement in the shallow waters of the Persian Gulf makes it immune to a tsunami, but there will be no immunity to the flood of dismay that the economic downturn will bring.
Of course Dubai will prevail, and in the future it will live out the dreams and fantasies of the world and the universe. With the Sun and Moon on Aldebaran and Antares – two of the four royal stars of the Persians, Dubai will continue to make fantastic architectural statements to the world once this time of crisis is over. But it will always be vulnerable to hubris – such is the nature of a Sun conjoining a strong Jupiter in the 10th house of a nation’s chart. Dubai is entering a period of contraction when loss and debt will eliminate its natural optimism for a while. It will enter a period of chaos, when there is no longer a clear sense of direction. The Neptune transit to the Ascendant may also have repercussions for the many immigrant workers, who will lose their jobs, but not want or be able to go home. The Pluto transiting Dubai’s Venus will see Sheik Mohammed losing investor friends… and discovering who his real friends are. Nevertheless it is worth noting that Dubai’s progressive Mars trines Dubai’s Sun from 2010 to 2011, and this could indicate that he will take an active role in leading Dubai out of economic danger in the years to come through courageous initiatives, not least in continuing to convince investors that Dubai has a future.
I do hope so… prices have already gone down for the Burj al Aran 7-star hotel. (Now starting at only $1500 per night).
Adrian Ross Duncan 14.12.2009
1. Guardian Weekly: journalist Jon Henley 11.12.2009.
2. Information from Wikipedia
by Adrian Duncan | Aug 7, 2010 | Adrian's Articles 2010
Normality is soon to be a thing of the past, and over the next half decade we will be witness to social, technological, political and personal transformations which will result in a world quite different to the one we know today. This could have been said in 1988 – just prior to the Saturn, Uranus and Neptune conjunctions opposite Jupiter, which precipitated the New World Order and fall of communism. It could also have been said of the mid sixties – just prior to the Uranus/Pluto conjunction opposite Saturn, which polarized youth and age and evoked a social revolution. It could have been said of the early 1940’s, when Jupiter conjoined Saturn in Taurus and squared Pluto going on to conjoin Uranus, which led to Germany’s seizure of most of Europe’s land.
But no historical period quite mirrors another, as no astrological combination is every exactly repeated. What makes the period between June 2012 to March 2015 significant are the seven Uranus/Pluto squares which take place over an unusually long period. (Note 1) But already in 2010 the wanderings of Saturn and Jupiter weave the connection between Uranus and Pluto, and therefore we are getting a taste of the extremes of behavior associated with these two outer planets. (If you want a visual expression of their craziness see Batman Forever, starring Tommy Lee Jones as Two Face – Pluto – and Jim Carrey as The Riddler – Uranus.)
Together Uranus and Pluto suspend normal moral behavior in favor of uncompromising change. Students in China during the cultural revolution in the mid-sixties threw their teachers out of upper floor windows on the grounds that their age and experienced had already corrupted their minds… Saturn was involved in this instance. When Pluto combines with Uranus, their mission is total revolution, and humanitarian concerns are sidelined.
Here in 2010 from April to July, Saturn returns to Virgo after making two squares to Pluto from Libra, and dwells in a powerful opposition to Uranus, which was exact on April 26th at 28 degrees Virgo/Pisces. This was the beginning of an extreme period of unrest, which was reflected in Europe by the financial crisis in Greece, which awakened great anxiety for the economies of Portugal and Spain and ultimately threatened the viability of the Euro. And in almost every country in the world, governments are trying to find a balance between cutting expenditure and dampening the subsequent social unrest.
But unrest is coming, and with unrest comes repression. Taking Thailand as an example, the government clampdown on protestors in mid-May 2010 – before Uranus had even entered explosive Aries – is an example of the choices the establishment faces, when confronted by its people. (Note 2)
Thailand. June 24th 1932 12.00 Bangkok AS 27.41 Virgo (Source BWH)
Although the birth time for Thailand is unknown, it is tempting to use the noon time, because the Saturn/Uranus opposition falls exactly on the Ascendant/Descendant axis. The transiting Pluto opposing Thailand’s Sun at 2 Cancer, shows the leadership dispute that lies at the root of the current unrest. What makes this horoscope interesting is the 1932 foundation year, when present constitutional system was established via a revolution. It was at this time that the last Uranus/Pluto square was exact, which predisposes this country to times in its history when extreme events wreak havoc… and the current repeat of the aspect may well be one of these times. It is worth noting that Mars in this horoscope has progressed and is now on the Pluto/Uranus square, which indicates dictatorial repression. And later, as the series of seven squares pick out the retrograde Venus at 10 Cancer, economic chaos and restructuring lie ahead, perhaps as a consequence of a second social revolution.
On May 28th – two weeks after this article has been written – Uranus moves into Aries, and almost immediately Jupiter also enters Aries, conjoining Uranus on June 8th at 0.18 Aries. Whilst Uranus in Pisces is prepared to play a victim’s role, it will not do so in Aries. The last time Uranus was in Pisces, Hitler was in jail and writing Mein Kampf, but when it came into Aries, he was well on the way to establishing his credentials as Führer (leader) of the Arian race.
Of course the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction is not malefic in itself, and it plays a tremendous role in technological development cycles. The last conjunction in Aries in 1927 saw the first transatlantic flight, by Charles Lindberg, which led to an explosion of pioneering international flights the same year. This was also the year when the Talkies began… all movies until that time had been silent. (Initially people were extremely skeptical… who needed to hear people speak, when you could see them?) 1927 was also the year of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, which stated that certain experiments could not be relied on because the presence of the observer affected the experiment. This was a concept which revolutionarized scientific materialism.
We can expect amazing pioneering discoveries now, especially because the digital world is so unlike anything experienced before in history. A scientific group in the USA has in fact just created – for the first time – life. The controversial leader of the project, Dr Venter, is quoted as saying:
“We were ecstatic when the cells booted up with all the watermarks in place,” “It’s a living species now, part of our planet’s inventory of life.” For 15 years his research time had coded genomes until they could be chemically combined by digital software to create living bacteria. (Note 4) Primitive life forms can now be digitally created in the laboratory. Unfortunately his company is patenting tis process, which raises the prospect of someone actually owning the building blocks for life creation. Otherwise known as god.
The current Uranus/Jupiter conjunction takes place just once in Aries… the next two take place in Pisces, as both planets retrograde. This could indicate a summer of unrest, with a mopping up effect from August 2010 to March 2011. But in the explosive period from the end of May to early September 2010, anything can happen. Probably the USA will not be exempt, because the IC on the USA (Sibley) horoscope is at 1 degree Aries, indicating unrest – or more extreme events – close to the White House. In 1969 Jupiter and Uranus conjoined at the opposite point – 1 degree Libra on the Midheaven – just as Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. This current conjunction is the time of the World Cup which takes place in South Africa on June 11th 2010. This is obviously going to be a riveting and electric international event. The security had better be good though. The World Cup took place for the first time in 1930, as the last Uranus/Pluto square was building up.
Security is exactly what Pluto in Capricorn is interested in. It is the solution to everything. This means surveillance cameras, extra police, control over the movement of people, the joy of the global database. As Jupiter and Uranus move into Aries, their message is freedom for the individual – at any price – whilst Pluto in Capricorn is interested in protecting the state – at all costs. As Saturn currently opposes Uranus and Jupiter, the incredible desire to break free is stopped by Saturn – it is simply impossible and impractical. With Saturn disposing of Pluto, the indications are that whilst Saturn is in Virgo it will serve the people, and whilst it is exalted in Libra until October 2012, the leaders of the state – Obama for example – will take a balanced and fair approach. But when Saturn moves in to Scorpio, which is does at the next presidential election in November 2012, all bets are off. Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn is successfully repressive… and may have to be with an economy that has hit rock bottom.
Uranus enters Aries tentatively, going retrograde at 0.35 Aries in July and returning to Pisces. Jupiter meanwhile, emboldened by its brother at arms Uranus, continues on, going retrograde at 3.24 Aries whilst in exact square to Pluto – an aspect that lasts for many weeks. The indications are that revolutionary behavior at this time is ill-judged and will be brutally stamped out. The last time Jupiter/Uranus conjoined in Aries in 1927 the palace of justice in Vienna was stormed and burned by an angry mob. Very appropriate. Angry mobs may want to mete out their own fiery brand of justice this summer and there are many places in the world this can happen. In Greece a government elected by the people to protect the laid-back social fabric of their society is being forced by the EU to impose draconic financial cuts, which the people find oppressive. Rather than contemplate a domino effect which causes the Euro to collapse, the EU must impose its will… Pluto in Capricorn. The Greek people are furious that the government they elected to protect them forces them to suffer even more.
Greece revolution – 24.03.1821 12.00 Kalavryla AS 19.25 CN (Source BWH)
Modern Greece was founded when the Ottoman occupation was overthrown on the last but one Uranus/Neptune conjunction in 1821 when both planets where in exact conjunction to the minute of arc at 3 Capricorn… where transiting Pluto is in 2010. Subsequent horoscopes for Greece consistently show 3 – 6 degrees of cardinal signs to dominate completely. For example the July 24th democratic revolution in 1974 against the military dictatorship shows a Moon/Pluto conjunction at 4 Libra square Venus at 3 Cancer. The pressures on Greece are massive, and the government cannot survive 2010. Even Greek membership of the Euro seems in doubt. Nothing less than a total reconstruction of Greece can be effective… an iron hand will probably initially keep the people under control, but the Uranus transit in 2011 will bring unrest and revolution.
How this will affect the rest of Europe is uncertain, but with Pluto slowly approaching 9 degrees Capricorn – where the sun is every New Year’s Day, which is the date for the foundation of many European institutions as well as the horoscope for the United Kingdom – turmoil is indicated until 2015. Russia, China and the US horoscope are all profoundly affected by the transits of Uranus and Pluto, so we are entering an unstable period for the world with continued recession and increasing unemployment. Scapegoats will be sought, and the wise individual must refuse to be drawn in to mass movements that demonize specific groups. It is worth remembering that the last Uranus/Pluto square in the early 1930’s did not coincide with war… just extreme political movements and economic depression.
It is quite likely that the two retrograde conjunctions of Uranus and Jupiter in Pisces will bring innovative solutions to environmental problems, as well as radical and effective solutions to help the unemployed and underprivileged, as well as providing finishing touches to health reform in the USA. Also, when Neptune enters Pisces in April 2011, there will probably be extremely strong humanitarian forces trying to heal those who are victims of the coming changes.
As the Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are moving through cardinal signs in the coming years, this is a period of dynamic change rather than passive inactivity. What pays for the individual now is to act… to keep ahead of things. There is no status quo… everything is movement and this means taking personal initiatives for change. There are waves that need to be surfed, trains that need to be hopped on to, falling bridges that need to be sped over. After one initiative is taken, it is time to take the next, as each change rapidly becomes obsolete and consigned to the past. Therefore this is also a period of radical progress in all directions.
By the year 2020, with Pluto at the tail end of Capricorn and soon to enter Aquarius, and with the first of a 200-year cycle of Saturn/Jupiter conjunctions taking place at 0 Aquarius, a new era will dawn. At this time the repressive governments that were created to handle crisis will be swept aside. Technological change will sweep the last of an oil and coal based world away, people will unite in a one world state of digital union, and a new electromagnetic world of light will emerge. In the meantime perhaps we can find inspiration in the words of French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, who wrote – at another Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Aries in 1762 – “Man is born free yet everywhere is in chains”. (Note 4) That was the state of things prior to the French Revolution in 1789, and now perhaps we are still slaves… to capital.
Adrian Duncan 20th May 2010
1. This aspect repeats itself about every 80 years, but you have to go back to 1755 – 1758 for the last series of seven squares.
2. The crucial date for the formation of Thailand can be traced back to April 6th 1782, when the capital was moved to Bangkok. In 1932 however the present constitutional system was established via a revolution. Interestingly Mars is at exactly the same degree – 1 Gemini – in both horoscopes.
3. Interview with The Guardian May 20th 2010.
4. Le Contra Social – 1762. This book expressed antimonarchist views and Rousseau has to take refuge in Switzerland to escape prosecution.