Telephone/Skype Consultations
With the advent of Skype it is possible to really offer an astrological service that is worthwhile, as the webcam helps capture a lot of nuances in the consultation. You can order a consultation at the bottom of the page. The waiting time is approximately two weeks. I will contact you via email after you have made your payment. More info? E-mail me at ard@astrowow.com
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See Testimonials
Here's how it works:
- Consultations with the US take place weekdays at an agreed time dependant on your US time zone - generally early. With the Far East, Australia and New Zealand consultations are in the afternoon or evening. With Europe and the UK, any time between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.
- Consultations last around 60 minutes.
- Consultations are recorded (if Skype is used) and sent as a sound file to your email. Connect with me on Skype address: adrianrossduncan
- I will skype or ring you at the appointed time - all call charges are paid by me if phone is used.
- The cost of consultations can be seen in Dollars, Euros or Pounds at the bottom of the page. Payment is in advance. Follow up consultations are about 30% cheaper.
Prior to the consultation you will need to:
- Mail your birth day, birth time and birth place.
- Mail your telephone number and skype address.
- Pay for the consultation in advance.
- Book a weekday that fits for us both.
I will study your birth horoscope together with transits and progressions, and I also make the consultation chart for the moment the call begins. This enables me to:
- Describe your current situation and the events leading up to it
- Explain how the situation will develop and how you can get optimal results
- Examine difficulties from your past and relate them to challenges in the present
- Evoke your strongest resources and work out the best strategy for the future
- Deal with whatever is important to you professionally, in relationships and as regards personal development.
Order Your Consultation
“Generally I work with face to face consultations, but after receiving many requests from people around the world who have heard my talks or seen my latest book (Astrology: Transformation & Empowerment), I have decided to start doing a limited number of telephone consultations every month.“

Doing Time on Planet Earth
by Adrian Duncan
I wrote Doing Time on Planet Earth in 1989-90. It was entirely based on my experiences with clients and teaching. I enjoyed writing it, and I am told it is fun to read. It covers such things as horoscope rectification, the Age of Aquarius, astrological consultations and horary astrology. Apart from many stories about “time”, I advocate the use of the horary chart for the client's arrival when doing consultations. William Lilley used this, and my own consultations improved immeasurably - especially as far as making accurate predictions - when I started. There is a unique and down-to-earth section about the transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian age.
$29.74 Go to Amazon

Astrology: Transformation & Empowerment
by Adrian Duncan
This, my second book, was released in December 2002 by the Boston publisher Weiser Books . I think it's a considerable departure from traditional astrology books, going beyond the cookbook approach, and asking this crucial question: “Once you have diagnosed the problem in the chart, what can you actually do about it?”
This book contains 314 pages with a list price of $29.95
$29.95 Go to Amazon