Month: September 2018

Dynamic Horary Astrology: Part 1/4

(This is a series of four articles teaching explaining how psychological and horary astrology merge to create greater accuracy in the consultation)
In astrological tradition, techniques have been passed down through the centuries by highly skilled astrologers with a lifetime of experience in the field. Much of modern-day horary astrology has its roots in these great teachers, from Ptolemy (b. 100 AD) to Al Biruni (b. 973 AD) to William LIlly (b. 1602) up to renowned modern-day horary practitioners. Calculations in this past period were not as accurate as they are today, and the position of the Moon and other planets was frequently out by several degrees. Planets beyond Saturn had not been discovered. Interpretations were often explained in long lists with fixed rules for students to learn by heart. The concept of psychology and self-realization was basically ignored, and horary astrology was focused on outcomes, not explanations. Read More