Free Horoscopes
LeoJuly 23 - August 22
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As a Fire sign, Leo is connected with the principle of identity, and as it is also classed as a Fixed sign, planets placed here have a stabilising effect, conserving and building individual character. There is a strong creative manifestation and self-expression connected with the sign - planets placed in Leo act in a dramatic way and need to experienced themselves reflected in their surroundings.
When planets are expressed negatively in this sign there will often be pride, narcissism and self-importance. When expressed positively there is a warmth and joy in being, and a playful, romantic nature. This sign is associated with children, charisma and entertainment. Planets in Leo act with authority and power, exerting a compelling influence on others. Greater balance can be attained if the capacity to see oneself objectively is cultivated.
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Famous people born in the sign of Leo:
Bill Clinton, Coco Chanel, Dustin Hoffman, Madonna, Robert De Niro
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Guess which of the following answers refers to Leo!
You fall deeply in love, but your chosen one does not know it yet. What is your strategy?
1. You stay up all night writing anonymous love-letters.
2. You make an appointment with your analyst to deal with these new emotions.
3. You take your loved-one by storm with a large bouquet of roses.
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