What’s tomorrow going to bring? Trouble or opportunity at work? Love or conflict at home? More importantly, how are you going to handle the challenges that arise, or take advantages of the opportunities that turn up?
The AstroCalendar tracks planetary influences on your personal horoscope, and is designed to work with Horoscope Interpreter to identify trends both large and small, so that you stay ahead of the curve.
The unique question and answer system of the AstroCalendar software helps you relate to what is happening to you, and guides you towards the best possible results.
Download AstroCalendar and go beyond sun signs. Understand the trends in your life as they happen, to optimize success and happiness.
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AstroCalendar Features
One of the challenges in writing and designing an Astrology Calendar program is the fact that the days pass so quickly that you scarcely have time to focus on what is going on.

Note: You must have a registered version of Horoscope Interpreter to run AstroCalendar
- To give you more focus, the AstroCalendar software program displays an interpretation of each and every planetary influence, and then presents you with 3 questions that you may want to ask yourself, and suggests 3 answers which will guide you through the day. Your options are explained in a clear and unambiguous way.
- Some of the daily influences in the Astro Calendar will be long-term influences lasting up to a year, and some short-term lasting only a day or so. Knowing how to handle these influences – how to avoid the pitfalls and make the most of the opportunities – is the secret to success in your life, and WOW’s Astrology Calendar will reveal the techniques to attain this success.